
The Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club’s (LARC) mission is;

  • To promote all aspects of amateur radio, including but not limited to: continued education, fraternalism, operating efficiency and to conduct club programs and activities to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.
  • To promote the amateur radio hobby by providing licensing classes and testing
  • To remain vigilant and prepared to respond to requests for support in times of crisis

LARC meets regularly at the North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Road, North Syracuse, NY 13212 (see map below). Meetings are on the 4th Thursday of every month at 7PM (doors open at 6PM for fellowship) except July and August (no meetings). Our November meeting usually conflicts with Thanksgiving and meeting date is communicated via the October Longwire. December is usually our holiday party and scheduled based on facility availability. Our meeting format is usually a short business meeting followed by a presentation on a topic of interest to hams. Refreshments are usually available.

We currently maintain three repeaters in the Syracuse area which allow us to practice our craft, and support public service events. Our monthly meetings are filled with stimulating discussion, presentations, and information about various aspects of the hobby. Please see our calendar for up coming events and presentations, and if there’s a presentation you would like to participate in please see the membership section for information on joining the club!

We are an American Radio Relay League affiliated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the Syracuse, New York area.

Postal Address: Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club; PO Box 5623; Syracuse, NY 13220

We are now featuring the current cover of the Longwire and the club calendar. You’ll find them on the menu above. The site has lots of great features, and we would be happy to provide  you with more if it will serve you as  a club member.