Public Service

Amateur radio operators have a variety of public service outlets to participate in as their interest desires. ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) and RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) work with emergency management before, during, and after a disaster to augment, and sometimes be the sole provider of, communications. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy are two very recent events where amateur radio became the only link for many to the outside world to summon assistance, communicate with loved ones, and co-ordinate rescue and recovery efforts. Some communities also use amateur radio services to co-ordinate locally significant events like fires, large accidents, and various other situations.

Although public service is mainly a function of the Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse, many of our members participate in ARES and RACES and we are proud to support their efforts and our other friends in RAGS through the use of our repeaters.

Amateur radio operators also gather together to test their ability to operate in different environments by assisting community organizations during local events to provide them with communications. In particular, our members are proud to support public service functions with not only our repeaters, but mobile solutions, and innovative out-of-the box ideas and approaches to overcome communications problems. Some of the events we participate in are:

  • The Syracuse St.Patricks Day Parade
  • The Chase Corporate Challenge
  • The Green Lakes Triathalon (Hosted by the YMCA of Greater Syracuse)
  • New York State Pumpkin Patrol (Organized annually our club in support of the NYS Troopers to protect motorists on I-90)

For more information on public service please contact:

  • John Perkins K2VTT eMail

Public Service request form