The Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club is proud to maintain three working repeaters in the Syracuse area, which are a mix of digital and analog technologies. The 147.210Mhz repeater is using Yaesu Fusion C4FM Digital/FM technology using a 103.5 PL RX tone for analog operation. The 146.910Mhz repeater is a Kenwood analog only with a 103.5 PL TX tone.
Our DMR repeater is a Motorola SLR-5700 which is connect to a C-Bridge network via the Internet, but also can be used locally. A Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) is required to use this system, No PL tones or DCS are used on DMR systems.
All LARC repeaters use the clubs W2CM callsign.
LARC Repeaters
Output Freq | Input Offset | Rx/Tx PL Tone | CallSign | Protocol |
146.9100 | -0.6 MHz | 103.5 RX/TX | W2CM | Analog FM |
147.2100 | +0.6 MHz | 103.5 RX for analog | W2CM | Analog/Digital FM Fusion |
443.3000 | +5 MHz | none | W2CM | Digital FM DMR |
LARC Sponsored Repeaters
Output Freq | Input Offset | Rx/Tx PL Tone | CallSign | Protocol |
53.6700 | -1.0 MHz | 103.5 | KD2SL | Analog FM |
145.1500 | -0.6 MHz | 123.0 | KD2SL | Analog FM CNY Linked Repeater |
145.3100 | -0.6 MHz | n/a | KC2VER | Digital FM Fusion |
146.6700 | -0.6 MHz | 103.5 | KD2SL | Analog FM |
224.1200 | -1.6 MHz | 103.5 | KD2SL | Analog FM |
444.0000 | +5.0 MHz | 103.5 | KD2SL | Analog FM |
LARC DMR Trunk Group settings
TG ID | Time Slot | Description | Access |
31361 | 1 | Upstate NY | Full Time |
3 | 1 | North America | PTT |
310 | 1 | TAC 310 | PTT |
311 | 1 | TAC 311 | PTT |
312 | 1 | TAC 312 | PTT |
3100 | 1 | USA – Nation Wide | PTT |
9998 | 1 | Parrott | PTT |
2 | 2 | Local/Cluster | Full Time |
9 | 2 | Local or Reflector | Full Time |
3136 | 2 | New York | Full Time |
31369 | 2 | Monroe County NY | Full Time |
31360 | 2 | Tri State NY-NJ-PA | PTT |
31362 | 2 | NY-Metro | PTT |
31363 | 2 | ADK | PTT |
31367 | 2 | Southern Tier NY | PTT |
For more information on Yaesu Fusion digital radios and repeater systems please Click Here
On the fence about purchasing a new rig that’s compatible with the Yaesu Fusion system? Check out this short video of K5ORN using the FT-991 in both modes so you can see the digital difference for yourself!